Lead Teacher programme

A network of skilled, confident teachers training and mentoring others.

Programme Overview

Endorsed and supported by the District and Municipal Education Offices, we're helping equip teachers to become trainers and mentors in their own and other schools.

Teachers who display strong leadership skills throughout our training, as well as a high level of good practice in their own classrooms, have become part of our Lead Teacher Programme.

By building a skilled and confident network of teachers who can train, support and guide their colleagues, we can ensure that this knowledge is firmly rooted within local teaching communities and passed on to new teachers as they enter their first classrooms.



Programme at a glance


49,600 children reached




Active - funded


Delivery partners

A local network of highly trained, education experts for sustained change

Lead Teachers receive additional, ongoing training and support from local Field Officers in how to train and support other teachers. 

They then go on to support their own school and on occasions other schools, providing training, support and monitoring, and sharing advice and suggestions. They aim to also improve Primary Leaving Examination results in their schools.

This is an essential, supporting part of the Redearth training programme and its ambition for long-term sustainability and local governance. As the capacity and confidence of Lead Teachers continue to develop, increasingly more support and training of schools will be taken on by the Lead Teachers, working closely with the local District Education Department to maintain good practice into the future.


Working with local District Education Departments

Lead Teachers are dedicated to supporting both their schools on a voluntary basis. The District Education Office grants each Lead Teacher some time  to enable them to deliver this voluntary support and training.

They also work closely with District Inspectors to access schools participating in the Redearth Achievement Award.

Related and supporting programmes

Developing Good Practice

Improving and sustaining learning outcomes in Ugandan schools by enhancing teachers pedagogical knowledge and supporting the development of school leadership and management.

Find out more

Achievement Awards programme

Celebrating successes and motivating teachers to achieve.

View the programme

Redearth Training Centre

A leading professional development hub for teachers based in Western Uganda.

View the centre